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Please note:

  1. This is an English group.
  2. The selection date for this Professional Cooking Programme is 5 June 2018 and registration closes 12 June 2018.
  3. For more information on this course please click here: https://www.bergzichttraining.com/213-2/

Let wel:

  1. Hierdie is n Engelse groep.
  2. Die keuringsdatum vir hierdie Professional Cooking Program is 5 Junie 2018 en registrasie sluit op 12 Junie 2018.
  3. Vir meer inligting klik asseblief hier: https://www.bergzichttraining.com/city-guilds-professional-cooking-and-food-and-beverage-service-program/?lang=af


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