Health and Frail Care

Bergzicht Training and Development trains carers and companions for elderly and sick children

Thanks to the number of individuals that have completed Bergzicht Training’s Health and Frail Programme over the last few months, families in the Boland region are now able to access the services of professionally trained, trustworthy carers and companions who are vetted by the Stellenbosch-based NGO. Bergzicht Training is an NGO dedicated to developing the skills

2019-10-22T18:56:29+00:00Donors, Employers, Graduates, News|

Transforming Lives Through Meaningful Employment

Thanks to a generous donation from the German political research foundation, the Hanns Seidel Foundation, Bergzicht Training was recently able to produce a short video on how donors and volunteers, along with the Bergzicht team, are making an impact on impoverished communities by training poor, unemployed, unskilled or semi-skilled individuals from those communities.

2018-12-05T11:46:24+00:00Donors, Success Stories|

Looking for health and frail care employees?

Are you looking to employ graduates who are trained in health and frail care through an accredited Health and Welfare SETA (HWSETA) Programme? If this is the case, then you can contact Bergzicht Training's Placement Bureau Officer, Ms Sinazo Gosani, at or 021 883 3525 for a copy of the CV of the student/s you are interested

2018-01-22T13:08:05+00:00Graduates, News|
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