iPOWER (Self-Empowering) Foundation Programme

Bergzicht Training and Development Campus Feeding Programme ensuring study success for beneficiaries

Thanks to a generous donation from the Jannie Mouton Foundation, Bergzicht Training was able to establish a Campus Feeding Programme in March this year to provide beneficiaries with a light lunch each day after many of the organisation’s beneficiaries had fallen on hard times during the pandemic. “Bergzicht Training contacted the Jannie Mouton Foundation for

“There is nothing in the world that can come in my way”

In 2017, after finishing matric, Sisanda Hayizani (photo) from Kayamandi took the December holidays to mull over what she wanted to study the following year. She had grown up being taught by her grandmother how to cook, from cabbage to pap and everything else. It was therefore no surprise that she set her mind on

Not even COVID-19 can stop Lauren’s study goals

Lauren Baadties(photo) has faced many challenges. In 2013, while she was only in Grade 10, her mom passed away. Seven years later, she is having to adjust her plans slightly as she faces new setbacks to complete her studies during the COVID-19 pandemic. In spite of it all, Lauren is using her loss and setbacks

Even long, winding roads can lead to your destiny

Lynn de Vries has walked a long, winding road to get the job she has always wanted. However, had it not been for that road, she may not have been ready for the position of chef at Ride In Café in Jonkershoek, Stellenbosch, when the opportunity finally presented itself. “I finished matric at Stellenzicht High

Bergzicht Training and Development still going strong after 27 years

Bergzicht Training, a skill development NGO in Stellenbosch, recently celebrated all it has achieved in nearly three decades of empowering unemployed, unskilled and semi-skilled individuals with market-related skills. The organisation was established in 1992 and celebrates its 27thanniversary this year. The founder of Bergzicht Training, Ms Cecile Kotzé, as well as one of the first

2019-04-23T13:11:04+00:00News, Success Stories|
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