
NRO lei versorgers en metgeselle vir bejaardes en siek kinders op

Danksy die aantal individue wat Bergzicht Opleiding se Gesondheid- en Verswakte-programme oor die laaste paar maande voltooi het, het gesinne in die Wes-Kaap, en veral in die Boland-streek, nou toegang tot die dienste van professioneel opgeleide, betroubare versorgers en metgeselle wat gekeur is deur hierdie nie-regeringsorganisasie (NRO) op Stellenbosch. Bergzicht Opleiding is ’n NRO toegewy

2019-10-22T18:53:54+00:00Donateurs, Gradueerdes, Nuus|

Skills development opportunities for the youth

Bergzicht Training, a Stellenbosch-based, non-governmental organisation dedicated to developing the skills of poor, unemployed, unskilled and semi-skilled individuals from the Western Cape, will once again offer three advanced skills development training programmes to individuals between 19 and 35 who are interested in hospitality, health care or working in the education sector. The advanced programmes are

2018-07-26T14:39:23+00:00Gradueerdes, Nuus|

Toevallige ontmoeting met Bergzicht alumnus verander Odette Robyn se lewe

Odette Robyn looks content as she sits down in the head nurse’s office at Geluksoord, a retirement home in Stellenbosch, to talk about how her life has changed over the last two years following a chance encounter with a Bergzicht alumnus she only knows as Beulah. “I remember sitting in church one day and a

2017-06-29T07:03:31+00:00Nuus, Suksesverhale|

Bergzicht het my geleer om op my regte as huishoudingsassistent aan te dring

Graduate Ntombomzi Mdandalaza reflects on her days as a student at Bergzicht Training and what she learnt there more than two decades ago Ntombomzi Mdandalaza, a domestic assistant who has managed the household of a busy couple in Stellenbosch for the last year, is one of the first students to have enrolled at Bergzicht Training

2017-06-29T07:02:32+00:00Nuus, Suksesverhale|

Voorheen werklose jong man nou eerste assistent-sjef by bekende wynlandgoed

If you had met Wesley Smith last year, you would have been forgiven for mistaking him as yet another young man focused only on partying and having a good time. Today, 21-year-old Smith from Idas Valley in Stellenbosch has changed his life around and works as a first assistant chef at the Wine Lounge of

2017-06-29T07:04:13+00:00Nuus, Suksesverhale|

Our graduates are ready to cook up a storm in the hospitality industry

Are you looking for professional waitrons, cooks, kitchen assistants or assistant chefs for the hospitality and tourism industries? Then you do not have to search further than the 11 graduates who recently completed the internationally recognised City & Guilds’ accredited Professional Cooking and Food and Beverage Service Programme at Bergzicht Training. The 10-week programme is

2017-07-10T21:30:19+00:00Gradueerdes, Nuus|

Joining hands to change the fate of Stellenbosch youth

For the last four years, local government and NGOs in Stellenbosch have joined hands to help change the fate of many poor, unskilled or semi-skilled, and unemployed youth in Stellenbosch and from the looks of it, that collaboration has been reaping many fruits. On 15 June, 13 students who completed Bergzicht Training’s City & Guilds’

Looking for health and frail care employees?

Are you looking to employ graduates who are trained in health and frail care through an accredited Health and Welfare SETA (HWSETA) Programme? If this is the case, then you can contact Bergzicht Training's Placement Bureau Officer, Ms Sinazo Gosani, at or 021 883 3525 for a copy of the CV of the student/s you are interested

2018-01-22T13:08:06+00:00Gradueerdes, Nuus|
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