Adrian Bezuidenhout

Bergzicht Training and Development develops unique early childhood development community course

Seeing a need in communities to train individuals in early childhood development (ECD) to lay the foundation for the children they educate or take care of, Bergzicht Training developed a unique Child Care Community Project, which was presented to 17 individuals recently. According to Bergzicht Training’s Training Manager, Adrian Bezuidenhout, research has shown that the

Bergzicht Training and Development to train more carers to assist during the COVID-19 pandemic

As the number of COVID-19 infected South Africans continue to rise daily and with the Western Cape identified as one of the provinces with the most infections to date, Bergzicht Training, is ramping up efforts to train more essential health and frail care workers to assist with health care demands placed on the system by

Did you see us in the media?

Bergzicht Training was recently featured in the media for a number of weeks as we talked about our HWSETA-accredited Health and Frail Care Programme and the kind of characteristics and skills to look out for in a good, professionally trained frail carer who works with elderly or frail persons or sick children. We also got

2019-12-03T16:26:52+00:00Graduates, News|
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