Did you know that Bergzicht Training and Development’s graduates are not only trained by highly qualified and experienced health and frail care personnel, but also have to complete a 10-week work-integrated learning opportunity at one of 26 care institutions in the Western Cape before they graduate? This is the reason that graduates who complete our Health and Welfare SETA (HWSETA)-accredited Health and Welfare Programme are so highly sought after by employers. If you are an employer operating in the health and frail care industry, you can contact our Placement Bureau Officer, Ms Sinazo Gosani, at employ@bergzicht.org.za or 021 883 3525 for a copy of the CV of the student/s you are interested in employing and to arrange an interview with the student/s at our offices in Stellenbosch.

You can also find out more about the  students who recently completed our HWSETA-accredited Health and Frail Care Programme by clicking here. Our 15-week, full-time programme equips our students to become either a nurse’s assistant or a frail care assistant, and provide care to a sick or frail patient, an elderly person, or a sick baby or child. During the course of the programme, students cover modules such as ethical care at health care centres and in private homes, basic anatomy, how to assist immobile patients, and baby and child care. The programme consists of five weeks of theoretical and practical training in a classroom setting followed by a 10-week work-integrated learning opportunity offered at one of 26 care institutions in the Western Cape.

If you want to find out more about what some of our alumni are doing today, you can read all about it here.

Photo: Bergzicht alumnus and carer Verushka Davids pushes her client’s walking aid to his apartment at Bonheur at La Clemence where she takes care of an elderly gentlemen. (Lynne Rippenaar-Moses)